Monday, April 24, 2006

Here at last!

Well, Aaron and I have officially arrived in Dublin this morning at 8 am. It is 2 o' clock now and we have to take shots of coffee every hour to try and stay awake. Aer Lingus sucks, the seats were tiny and no free alcohol. Plus I had an aisle seat and as anyone would walk by they would inevitably hit me - which wasn't too pleasant. I only slept about an hour. I think we are moments away from giving into the tiredness and will fall asleep for a few hours at the hostel - destroying whatever hope we had of trying to acclimate to the time change.

Dublin is as expensive as I remember - so Aaron and I have been walking around the city and I am trying to play the part of the tour guide. Tomorrow shall be a day of seeing free museums, and doing an over-priced pub crawl, but oh well. I may be the only one, but I am super excited to get into a country where they don't speak English... Dublin still feels very much like its part of the USA. Out of time at this internet cafe. Later!


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